Colab 6

“Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” Henry James It was exactly that – a perfect Sunday…

Pattern 28/52

This week’s pattern comes as a cooling summer breeze to you. The process behind my “Blue Wisteria” was fun and experimental. I went back to my plant printing of summer…

Pattern 27/52

My summer patterning continues, with yummy summer inspiration all around us. Recently, we went strawberry picking with the girls on a local farm nearby. Especially our little Carolina is very…

Hello July!

Today I turned Clara’s calendar and her favourite monthly page of them all is now hanging in our living room. And her calendar is so right! Summer has arrived with…

Pattern 26/52

With this week’s pattern I am exactly halfway through the year! And what should be in the middle of the year? Summer! The temperatures are hotting up finally and what…

Solar Sailing

It is still really chilly outside for this time of year here in Northern Germany. So this week I would like to bring on the sunshine and summer here on…

Pattern 25/52

It is the Summer Solstice today and the beginning of summer.  After my summery mood and pattern last week, the weather has shifted and we have seen quite a bit…

Candy and Helga

Last year around this time I sewed myself a pair of pants. I had so much fabric left over, that I could cut it out to sew a tunic like…

Pattern 24/52

During the summer months I usually turn into quite a fruitarian, living mainly on and totally devouring all the colourful, sweet and juicy bounty that nature has to offer. Last…

A Week of Poppies IV

For the Poppy Weekend I show you a piece fresh from my pink studio, made this morning. It’ s been quite rainy around here lately and for the collage I…