A Week in Orange

Orange is not a colour I am normally drawn to, but this week I saw it everywhere. From the glowing fall flora in town and the food on my table…

Pattern 37/52

At the beginning of this week I came down with quite a cold. For two days I didn’t feel too good and I helped my healing process with some wholesome…

Pattern 30-35/52

It’s been a while since I posted my last pattern, nearly six weeks actually. And this was the time I took off this summer, for travelling with my family to…

My Thailand Sketchbook

I brought my sketchbook home brimming with sketches and the feeling of fun I had while drawing them. Nearly all of its hundred pages filled up with memories and the…

A Taste of Thailand

I am slowly settling in back home. And as I usually feel instantly at home in the tropics, coming back to my actual home (which I Iove!) often feels like…

What I brought home from Thailand

Fabric from Little India in Bangkok, a sketchbook full of drawings, a coloring book from the airport, Chinese brushes from Chinatown in Bangkok, Micron pens bought in Chiang Mai, a…

Pattern 29/52

My pattern design passion started last summer with signing up for the Make it in Design Summer School where I made my first pattern using collage and some design freeware.…

Candy and Helga

Last year around this time I sewed myself a pair of pants. I had so much fabric left over, that I could cut it out to sew a tunic like…

Roses Near & Far

When I step outside our house onto the terrace these June days and look up, I have a view kind of like this: I’ll be leaving for Brighton/England tomorrow for…

Pattern 22/52

I close my Week of Poppies with a pattern.  I experimented with inks on yupo paper this week – strange thing that paper, synthetic and water resistent, that lets the…