Roses Near & Far

When I step outside our house onto the terrace these June days and look up, I have a view kind of like this: I’ll be leaving for Brighton/England tomorrow for…

Pattern 19/52

I am a bit behind with my pattern challenge these days. For the last two weeks most of my creative energy went into relaunching my website and painting some big…

Oh my Goddess!

A new collage called “triple goddess”. I usually have a couple of backgrounds on rotation in my studio. I put leftover paint on them, stencil stuff or start collages. They…

Pattern 15/52

This week’s pattern is again a by-product of the Make Art that Sells course Part B, its 5th and final week was dedicated to Party Paper – paper plates, napkins,…

What I brought home from Amsterdam

* latest Dutch issue of flow magazine * Indian paper * a new bell for my bike * a postcard and papers from the excellent Matisse exhibition at the Stedelijk…

Train Station Yarn Graffiti

Back home from a 6-day-European-city-family-holiday. Before we went, I discovered this yarn graffiti in front of Oldenburg train station: More about this super-relaxed, inspirational and only mildly mind-blowing getaway after…

Hello March!

It is the first of March today and as I am writing this the sun is coming out after a morning of rain. I am not quite sure what this…

Magic Mountain Village

The February assigment of Lilla Roger’s MATS Bootcamp was quite a creative and emotional rollercoaster ride for me. The “mini” for the warm-up week was to look at vintage scenic…

Pattern 2/52

My second pattern for the year-long challenge is also based on a gem shape like 1/52, I call it Tropical Crystals: This time the crystal shape was hand-drawn. And why…