A Photo Challenge

Another week, another challenge ;-). Because one challenge (this here) is just not enough, I also joined the #gatheringevidence Instagram photo challenge by American photographer Catherine Just, whose soulful photography…

My Thailand Sketchbook

I brought my sketchbook home brimming with sketches and the feeling of fun I had while drawing them. Nearly all of its hundred pages filled up with memories and the…

Pink Moments of the Month

I am recently taking a wonderful course with the amazing painter Alena Hennessy and photographer Susan Tuttle called Radiant HeART . I am a big fan of both and already…

What I brought home from Amsterdam

* latest Dutch issue of flow magazine * Indian paper * a new bell for my bike * a postcard and papers from the excellent Matisse exhibition at the Stedelijk…

15 Minutes

More often than not I get this question – how do you do it all? Having a family with two young children, being a self-employed yoga teacher and then all…

Two Euros

Besides my two 365-day-projects I blogged about last year – 365declutter and Carolina’s naps – I had another little year-long-project going on. I collected all the two-Euro-coins that landed in…