Pattern 14/52

The pattern of the week is the result of the work I did in Week 3 of the MATS B course. The market was scrapbooking – something that took me a while to grasp. There is no such market in Germany (yet), but we were provided with lots of information and visuals in the class to get an understanding of it. The other thing was the topic – airships, also known under the funny names of dirigibles and blimps. This also took a while for me to get going – or in the creative language – get sketching. Drawing technical details with my regular pens wasn’t too much fun for me. When we got the assignment, to make a vintage-correspondence-themed scrapbooking page incorporating airships, I had an idea – old-school pen & ink. Lilla Rogers always encourages to try new things in our art and I hadn’t drawn with a real nib since my school days.

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 And then there was no stopping me. This was the week I put the most time into an assignment. It was Friday and the deadline was Sunday evening and I was about to go to an ashram to teach a weekend prenatal yoga immersion. I worked on the train and in-between my yoga classes and instead of attending collective yoga ashram chanting.

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I wanted to give my piece a watercolour feel and used digital watercolour swatches from Nicky Latz for it.

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My laptop had quite a hard time saving all those bits, but in the end I had a final page:


One more good thing after all this (pleasurable) work – Spoonflower had an upcoming contest “Flying machines” and I could reuse my icons to assemble a repeating pattern:


If you like my pattern, you can vote for it and as many others that you like here.

high times giftwrapThank you!